1. Introduction -- 2. Retail Tenancies Act 1986 (Vic) - scope and application - terms, options, disclosure and other requirements - rent and rent review - sharing and apportionment of outgoing -- 3. Retail Tenancies Reform Act 1998 (Vic) - background - scope and application - terms, options, disclosure and other requirements - rent and rent review - sharing and apportionment of outgoing - works repairs, relocation and redevelopment -- 4. Trade Practice legislation - Fair trading -- 5. Dispute resolution -- 6. Standard lease - Law Institute of Victoria Standard Lease samples -- revised August 1989, December 1993, 1998, May 2000 -- 7. Table of VCAT retail tenancies decisions with update -- 8. Appendices - Appeal - Forms - practice note - 2nd Reading Speech - Explanatory memorandum -- 9. Legislation