Part 1. Capacity and its attributes in action -- 1. What is capacity? -- 2. Decision-making and relationships -- 3. Capacity and contracts and gifts during lifetime -- 4. Capacity and wills -- Part 2. Substitute decision-makers appointed by tribunals and courts -- 5. The development of modern guardianship -- 6. Guardianship -- 7. The functions of a guardian -- 8. Administration/financial management -- Part 3. Appointing one's own substitute decision-maker -- 9. Enduring guardianship -- 10. Enduring powers of attorney -- Part 4. Substitute decision-making for the medical treatment of incapable people, including treatment and care at the end of their lives -- 11. The development of the law relating to the medical treatment of incapable people -- 12. Substitute consent to medical and dental treatment -- 13. Advance directives -- 14. The proper practice and law relating to decision-making about treatment and care at the end of life -- 15. Sterilisation -- 16. Capacity to consent to research -- Part 5 - other related matters -- 17. Capacity and the right to refuse psychiatric treatment -- 18. Professional capacity
This edition includes all 2021 updates to the third edition O?Neill N, Peisah C. Capacity and the law. [2011] SydUPLawbk 1 (Sydney University Press and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), September 2011, to take account of recent case law, legislative and policy developments.