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Law of compulsory land acquisition
Jacobs, Marcus S. ;
2nd Edition
Call No:
KN 96.3 J 2 2
Pyrmont, N.S.W.: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia
1. Introduction 2. The relevant statutes and their application 3. The nature of interests that may be acquired or that may attract compensation 4. The notice of intention to acquire 5. Objections/?court challenges to resumption 6. Entitlement to compensation for pre-acquisition declaration not proceeded with 7. Return of resumes land where the resuming authority no longer requires it 8. The notice of acquisition, its consequences and the lapsing thereof 9. Acquisition by agreement --
10. The resuming authority's right of prior entry and to enter into possession 11. The registration of title-occupation-taking possession 12. The resumption of a mortgage interest 13. Compensation where the resumed property is subject to a mortgage 14. Compensation for the taking of lesser interests-leaseholds-easements-mineral rights-profit a prendre 15. Injurious affection -- 16. Inverse condemnation-resumption compelled by owner in case of hardship 17. Just compensation 18. Market value -- 19. Comparative or market data approach (the comparable sales method) -- 20. Income investment or economic approach -- 21. Land residual technique or hypothetical development method 22. The cost method 23. Special value 24. Severance 25. Actual financial loss/?disturbance -- 26. The highest and best use-the Turner principle 27. The rule against double recovery 28. Where there is no open market/?the reinstatement principle and compensation on the reinstatement basis generally 29. Solatium -- 30. The effect of scheme 31. Compensation for the resumption of farm/?rural property 32. Unlawful use 33. Compensation in regard to the acquisition of a dwelling 34. Claims of compensation 35. Offers of compensation: the acceptance or rejection of the claim 36. Litigating a compensation claim 37. Appeals in compensation litigation 38. An award for the costs in the compensation claims 39. The resumption of roads 40. Resumption and Native Title
Includes tables and index
1. Introduction -- 2. The relevent statutes and their application -- 3. The nature of interests that may be acquired or that may attract compensation -- 4. The notice of intention to acquire -- 5. Objections/court challenges to resumption -- 6. Entitlement to compensation for pre-acquisition declaration not proceeded with -- 7. Return of resumed land where the resuming authority no longer requires it -- 8. The notice of acquisition, its consequences, and the lapsing thereof -- 9. Acquisition by agreement -- 10. The resuming authority's right of prior entry and to enter into possession -- 11. The registration of title - occupation - taking possession -- 12. The resumption of mortgage interest -- 13. Compensation where the rusumed property is subject to mortgage -- 14. Compensation for taking of lesser interest - leaseholds - easements - minerals rights - profit a prendre -- 15. Injurious affection -- 16. Inverse condemnation - resumption compelled by owner in case of hardship -- 17. Just compensation -- 18. Market value -- 19. Comparative or market data approach (the comparable sales method) -- 20. Income investment or economic approach -- 21. Land residual technique or hypothetical development method -- 22. The cost method -- 23. Special value -- 24. Severence -- 25. Actual financial loss/disturbance -- 26. The highest and best use - the Turner Principle -- 27. The rule against double recovery -- 28. Where there is no open market/the reinstatement principle and compensation on the reinstatement basis generally -- 29. Solatium -- 30. The effect of the Scheme -- 31. Compensation for the resumption of farm/rural property -- 32. Unlawful use -- 33. Compensation in regard to the acquisition of a dwelling -- 34. Claims for compensation -- 35. Offers of compensation: the acceptance or rejection of the claim -- 36. Litigating a compensation claim -- 37. Appeals in compensation litigation -- 38. An award for costs in compensation claims -- 39. The resumption of roads -- 40.
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