Conveyancing ;
Sale of Land ;
Easements ; Payne v. Morrison ANZ ConvR, No. 116, September 1991, p.458 ; Curtain v. Aparo [1988] ANZ ConvR, p.508 ; O'Brien v. Smolonogov (1983) 53 A.L.R. 107 ; Argy v. Blunts and Lane Cove Real Estate P/L [1990] A.N.Z.C.R. 137 ; Yorke v. Lucas (1985) 158 C.L.R. 661 ; Lowe and Sze Tu Holdings P/L v. Cudal Nominees P/L (unreported, 24 May 1991,Federal Court) ;
Hadley v. Baxendale 9 Exch. 341 ;