Estate planning, validity of will, requirements for, capacity Drafting a will, taking instructions and structuring a will Commencement and testimonium Revocation clauses Directions as to disposal of the body, undue prolongation of life Deaths - simultaneous or near-simultaneous, presumption of death, commorientes clauses, intermediate income Children, adopted and ex-nuptial children, guardianship Will made in contemplation of marriage or divorce Provision for spouse or partner Appointment of executors Payment of executors: gifts in lieu of payment, gifts to be independent of acting as executor or trustee Executor's right to buy trust assets Solicitors to be employed by executors Family provision, financial agreements - prenuptial, nuptial and postnuptial Taxes and duties Releases Life insurance policies and superannuation Gift of whole estate to executors on trust Pecuniary legacies Specific gifts of personal property Shares and other interests in respect of a limited company, appointment of directors Gifts of real property Gift of property subject to mortgage or charge, Locke King's Act Annuities and protective trusts Trusts Life interests Residuary gifts, and gifts of the whole estate Gifts to charities and incorporated or unincorporated bodies Powers of executors and trustees Codicils Attestation Contracts as to dispositions by will, mutual wills Appendix A: Most used forms Appendix B: Model wills Appendix C: Internation convention: Hague conference on private international law