1. consumer credit protection in Australia -- 2. scope of the legislation -- 3. licensing -- 4. payment obligations: repayment, interest rats, fees and charges -- 5. advertising and sales conduct -- 6. responsible lending -- 7. contract documentation and other NCC disclosure obligations -- 8. securities and guarantees -- 9. small-amount credit contracts and other shorter-term contracts -- 10. specific product regulation: home loans, reverse mortgagees and credit cards -- 1. related sale contracts -- -- 13. consumer leases -- 14. unfair contract terms -- 15. variations and assignment -- 16. ending and enforcing credit contracts -- 17. documents and notices -- 18. ASIC's enforcement powers - 19. remedies available to consumers -- 20. debtor relief of ground of unjust, unconscionable and dishonest conduct -- 21. industry codes of conduct -- 22. alternative dispute resolution -- 23. looking ahead: recent and proposed changes.