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Key performance indicators for dummies
Marr, Bernard ;
Call No:
KL 96.1 M 5
West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons
1. Introducing key performance indicators (KPIs) -- 2. Types, targets and KPI mistakes -- 3. Creating a culture of fact-based decision-making -- 4. Organising your KPIs -- 5. Developing a KPI -- 6. Use it or lose it: turning KPIs into insights -- 7. Spreading the word: reporting and communicating KPIs effectively -- 8. The holy grail of business: revenue and profit KPIs -- 9. The ones you can't take your eyes off: liquidity and cash flow KPIs -- 10. Reporting to the masters: shareholder and value-added KPIs -- 11. Measuring your financial efficiency -- 12. The customer is always rights: measuring your customer success -- 13. Measuring the market and your place in it -- 14. Measuring project performance -- 15. Measuring internal efficiency and quality -- 16. Measuring IT performance -- 17. Measuring people performance -- 18. Measuring human resources performance -- 19. Ten tips for developing effective KPIs -- 20. The ten biggest KPI mistakes to avoid -- 21. The top ten KPIs to use
Includes index.
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1 1 On Shelf KL 96.1 M 5 For Loan Available
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