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Hutley's Australian wills precedents (eLending)
8th Edition
Call No:
Sydney, N.S.W.: LexisNexis Butterworths
Wills ; Forms & Precedents ;
1. General considerations: estate planning; validity of will, requirements for; capacity; concealment of will; order to produce will -- 2. Drafting a will using these precedents; taking instructions and structuring a will -- 3. Commencement and testimonium; wills for assets in foreign countries -- 4. Revocation clauses -- 5. Directions as to disposal of the body; directions as to undue prolongation of life; enduring power of attorney -- 6. Deaths: simultaneous or near simultaneous; presumption of death; order of deaths clauses; intermediate income -- 7. Children; adopted and ex-nuptial children; guardianship -- 8. Will made in contemplation of marriage or divorce -- 9. Provision for spouse or partner -- 10. Appointment of executors -- 11. Payment of executors: gifts in lieu of payment; gifts to be independent of acting as executor or trustee -- 12. Executor's right to buy trust property -- 13. Solicitors to be employed by executors -- 14. Family provision; financial agreements - prenuptial, nuptial and postnuptial -- 15. Taxes and duties -- 16. Releases -- 17. Life insurance policies and superannuation -- Gift of whole estate to executors on trust -- 19. Pecuniary legacies -- Specific gifts of personal property -- 21 Shares and other interests in respect of a limited company; appointment of directors -- 22. Gifts of real property -- 23. Specific gift of property subject to mortgage or charge; Locke King's Act -- 24. Annuities and protective trusts -- 25. Trusts -- 26. Life interests, including occupation of matrimonial home, substitutionary provisions, apportionment and powers of appointment -- 27. Residuary gifts, and gifts of whole estate -- 28. Gifts to charities and incorporated or unincorporated bodies -- 29. Powers of executors and trustees -- 30. Codicils -- 31. Attestation -- 32. Backing sheet -- 33. Contracts as to dispositions by will; mutual wills -- Appendix A: Most Used Forms Appendix B: Model Wills Appendix C: International Convention; Hague Conference
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