1. What is law? -- 2. Courts and jurisdiction -- 3. Legal Processes and evidence -- 4. Coronial Processes -- 5. Consent to health care by an adult -- 6. Consent to health care by a minor -- 7. Incompetent persons, guardianship and mental health law -- 8. Special medical treatments -- 9. End-of-life decisions and withdrawal of treatment -- 10. Negligence -- 11. Informed consent -- 12. Patient records and the duty of confidentiality -- 13. Patient privacy and the duty of confidentiality -- 14. Patients' property and commercial relationships -- 15. Employment and contracts for health professionals -- 16. Registration of health professionals -- 17. Disciplinary processes -- 18. Mandatory notifications -- 19. Open disclosure -- 20. Decision making by health professionals -- 21. Medicines -- 22. Registration of birth and notification of death -- 23. Notifiable diseases -- 24. Blood transfusions and transplants -- 25. Genetic testing and treatments -- 26. Reproduction, surrogacy and termination -- 27. Crime and health care -- 28. Child abuse and domestic violence -- 29. Discrimination -- 30. Health care rights