Full Record

Expert evidence: law, practice, procedure and advocacy
5th Edition
Call No:
KN 391.5 F 1 5
Sydney, N.S.W.: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia
1. Introduction -- 2.0 The common law exclusionary rules of expert evidence -- 2.5. The expertise rule -- 2.10. The area of expertise rule -- 2.15. The common knowledge rule -- 2.20. The basis rule -- 2.25. The ultimate issue rule -- 2.30. Judicial notice -- 2.35. Discretionary exclusion of expert evidence -- 3.0 Statutory law in Australia -- 3.5. Statutory law in New Zealand -- 3.10. Statutory law in the United States -- 3.15 Law reform proposals -- 4.0 Appeals in relation to expert evidence -- 5.0 Forensic Reports -- 5.5 Court rules -- 5.15 Costs and client legal privilege -- 5.20 Remuneration of experts -- 6.0 Court-appointed experts -- 6.5 Assessors -- 6.10 Refereess -- 6.15 Concurrent expert evidence -- 7.5. Preparation, examination-in-chief and re-examination of the expert witness -- 7.10 Cross-examination of the expert witness -- 7.15 Sentencing evidence by the expert witness -- 8.5 Criminal and civil liability of expert witnesses and report writers -- 8.10 Regulatory liability of expert witnesses and report writers -- 9.5 Medical evidence - 9.10 Dental evidence -- 9.15 Nursing evidence -- 10.5 Psychiatrists' and psychologists' evidence: general principles -- 10.10 Fitness for interview evidence -- 10.15 Fitness to stand trial evidence -- 10.20 Identification evidence -- 10.25 Memory evidence -- 10.30 Mental state evidence -- 10.35 Syndrome evidence -- 10.40 Profiling evidence -- 10.45 Prediction of risk evidence -- 10.50 Post-traumatic stress disorder -- 10.55 Critical incident stress intervention evidence -- 11.5 Survey evidence -- 11.10 Historians' evidence -- 11.15 Anthropologists' evidence -- 11.20 Cultural experts' evidence -- 11.25 Linguists' evidence -- 12.5 Scientific evidence -- 12.10 Novel scientific evidence -- 12.15 Fingerprinting, footprint and footwear evidence -- 11.20 Document analysis evidence -- 12.25 DNA profiling evidence -- 12.30 Statistical evidence -- 13.5 Police evidence -- 13.10 Tracker and sniffer dog evidence --
978 0 455 231624
14.5 Accident reconstruction evidence -- 15.5 Valuation evidence -- 15.10 Financial evidence -- 16.5 Quantity surveyors' evidence -- 16.10 Planning and environmental impact evidence -- 17.5 Evidence as to patents

Includes tables and index
Bibliography: pp 1303-1395
Item Availability
Item Availability
Result Year Part Status Call No Loan Category Date Due
1 2013 5th Edition On Shelf KN 391.5 F 1 5 For Loan Available
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