Full Record

Health law in Australia
Call No:
KN 185 W 2
Pyrmont, N.S.W.: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia
I. INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH LAWS: 1. Health law: scope, sources and forces -- 2. Medical and health ethics -- 3. The legal framework of the Australian health system -- II. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH LAW: 4. General principles of consent to medical treatment -- 5. Children and consent to medical treatment -- 6. Adults who lack capacity: substitute decision-making -- 7. Medical negligence -- 8. Confidentiality, privacy and access to health records -- III. BEGINNING OF LIFE: 9. Assisted reproductive technology -- 10. Abortion -- 11. Surrogacy -- IV. END OF LIFE: 12. Euthanasia and assisted suicide -- 13. Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining medical treatment -- 14. The doctrine of double effect -- V. SELECT ISSUES IN HEALTH LAW: 15. The regulation of health professionals -- 16. Mental health law -- 17. Organ and tissue donation -- 18. Health and medical research -- 19. Biotechnology and nanotechnology regulation in Australia
Includes tables and index
Item Availability
Item Availability
Result Year Copy Status Call No Date Due
1 2010 1 On Shelf KN 185 W 2 Available
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