Vol. 1 -- 1. Broadcasting commentary -- 2. Broadcasting sources - Codes of practice - Television and Radio - content - standards -- 3. Broadcasting legislation - Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) - and Explanatory memorandum - other related legislation - Explanatory statements -Vol. 2 -- 1. Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005 (Cth) ACMA - Explanatory memorandum -- 2. Internet Regulation - Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth) - Internet Industry codes of Practice - The Spam Act - with Explanatory Memorandum Statements and Code of Practice -- 3. Radiocommunications Commentary -- 4. Radiocommunications legislation -- 5. Radiocommunications sources - class licences -determinations and directions - Spectrum licences -- 6. Telecommunications commentary - Registered industry codes -- Vol. 3 1. Telecommunications Legislation - Act and regulations -- 2. Competition and Consumer Act 2010 -- 3. Consumer Protection Act and Regulations -- Ancillary telecommunications legislation -- 4. Ancillary commentary - do not call regime - interception of and access to communication -- 5. Online Safety Act 2021 Vol. 4 . 1. Telecommunications sources - Codes of practice -- 2. Determinations, declarations, standards and notices -- 3. Carrier licenses and plans -- 4. International regulations -- 5. New developments -- 6. Bulletins