A regular column on advocacy which is to represent the interests of members and the wider community, for which the Law Institute actively seeks to influence policy and legislation through lobbying and submissions to government, the courts and other bodies. The column has a LIV and the media column, which lists all instances of note in the media for the preceeding months ; Some entries in this months column include:- ; Criminal charges against solicitors - DFAT and international commercial contract trade sanctions - E-conveyancing - International Criminal Court - Professional Standards Scheme application - Sentencing indication and specified sentence - Water rights and state duty ; LIV Submission: River Red Gum Forests Investigations ; LIV Submission: Graffiti Prevention Bill 2007 ; LIV Submission: Crimes Amendment (Rape) Bill 2007 ; LIV Submission: Electronic service of documents - proposed rules ; LIV Submission: Law Council of Australia (LCA) submissions