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LIV Advocacy
Record ID:
LIJ Article
Lally, Amy ;
LIJ (2005) 79 No 5
Sale of Land (Auction) Regulations 2005 (Vic)
A regular column on advocacy which is to represent the interests of members and the wider community, for which the Law Institute actively seeks to influence policy and legislation through lobbying and submissions to government, the courts and other bodies. The column has a LIV and the media column, which lists all instances of note in the media for the preceeding months > Some entries in this months column include:- ; Meeting with Victorian Attorney-General - Legal Profession Act 2004, Professional Standards Scheme, appointment of eminent persons to work on the Charter of Human Rights ; Tort law reform seminar - impact of insurance reforms ; Real estate Institute of Victoria - meeting - regulation of conveyancers, hosting joint events and role of agents in reguard to s 32 statements ; Regulation of conveyancers -meeting with Victorian Division of the Australian Institute of Conveyancers ; Victorian Women Lawyers - meeting ; New Police Minister - meeting - discussion of new portfolio also Victoria's new major crime legislation and working with children legislation ; Department of Justice - meeting - Masters of the Supreme Court, the new Act, professional Standards Council and review of conveyancers ; Chief Magistrate - meeting - Attorney-General's proposal to change the names of the courts and the devleopment of the legal precinct ; ASIO Act 1979 submission - Asio Act 1979 (Cth) - questioning and detention powers ; SRO revenue ruling submission - submission ; Exposure draft of the Wrongs (part VBA Claims) Regulations - submission ; Retail Leases Act 2003 - submission - drafting issues ; Confidential submissions - Requirements to deter the promotion of tax exploitation schemes and At call loans - small business carve out ; Land registry - meeting - e-conveyancing system rules ; Estate Agents Act 1980 s 52 - meeting - to discuss review ; Sale of Land (Auction) Regulations 2005 - feedback to Consumer Affairs Victoria on final draft - re co-owner bids ; Strengtheening bankruptcy anti-avoidance provisions - submission
LIV Advocacy

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