Full Record

Twelfth national family law conference: "Surfing the seas of family law - major reform or a little light housekeeping?". Conference Handbook. 22-26 October 2006
Call No:
KN 170 N 5
Melbourne, Vic.: Television Education Network (TEN)
Conference proceedings
1 876267 72 0
The power of the Family Court to alter third party property interests How many parties spoil a marriage? What's happening with third parties? The new family law system: a new deal for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families? European family law and the Australian family lawyers Invisible parties: listening to children - a social science perspective Children's living arrangements following separation and divorce: insights from empirical and clinical research Expert evidence reforms in the Family Court: single experts and concurrent evidence Maintenance orders under the Family Law Act of the Republic of the Fiji Islands - acknowledging traditional responsibilities and obligations The effective use of social science research in family law in Australia Invisible parties: listening to children Family law and religion - the Indian experience Dealing with high conflict families Riding the wave of change to build a better child support agency Dealing with high conflict clients: a lawyer's perspective Taming the tax monster The future of child support Click your heals and think of Kansas: travelling with the self-represented litigant The New Zealand experience: issues in adoption Fields of change - the new family law system and collaborative law Asset register and "market value": what does it all mean?
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